Bot stories


IGW has an extensive global presence, with over 1500 employees in locations in Belgium, Romania, the Czech Republic, China, India, and the USA.

bot challenge.

IGW's Industrial engineering & Product Quality Manager Bjorn Marchand was looking for a smart way to reduce the administration within his teams.

After implementing SAP, the Product Engineering team faced a new responsibility: managing the scheduled production orders and routings combined with incorporating standard-time calculations.

This process is an important prerequisite to have high quality manufacturing, but according to the engineers it was not the most favourite task at hand.

bot solution.

A combination of back-end and front-end automation techniques were applied to make this automation bullet-proof.

The product engineering team is freed from this highly daily repetitive process and deliver overall better quality.

Most important, they can put now their time and effort on projects that require their engineering ingenuity.

bot benefits.

Happy employees
Saved annually
Decrease in processing time